Code Design

Most of my code was written in Python, HTML, and JavaScript.  All database table creation was done using Python.  All of the Power BI reports within my website retrieved data from my database using Python scripts.  Latitude and Longitude were retrieved for all locations using the Nominatim library within Geopy.Geocoders in Python.  In order to find the distance between major cities and an aircraft, I applied the Haversine Algorithm within a Python script.  Below is an example of a query from one of my scripts where the Haversine Algorithm was applied to display all TBMs in the USA with their closest major cities to each location and a logical pseudocode example of one of my queries is provided below:

I have additionally included snippets of code taken from my front end web application interface. For each webpage I used simple HTML with JavaScript code embedded to help with conditional logic and passing variables. I used a grid style layout to allow users to simply click on a desired image selection to take them onto the next page with with the desired variable passed:

After publishing my Power Bi reports using Power Bi as a Service, I was able to embed links to each report directly into my code. Examples of this can be found below:


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